天然产物研究与开发 ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (7): 1257-1265.doi: 10.16333/j.1001-6880.2024.7.018

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陆国弟,侯   嘉,强正泽,杨扶德*   

  1. 甘肃中医药大学,兰州 730101
  • 出版日期:2024-07-28 发布日期:2024-07-26
  • 基金资助:
    甘肃省科技厅自然基金(22JR5RA592);甘肃省教育厅青年博士基金(2022QB-099);2021 年度甘肃高等学校产业支撑计划(2021CYZC-40);2018年度甘肃省委组织部人才发展专项(甘组[2018]23号)

Application of omics technologies in the quality evaluation and pharmacological mechanism study of Astragali Radix

LU Guo-di,HOU Jia,QIANG Zheng-ze,YANG Fu-de*   

  1. LU Guo-di,HOU Jia,QIANG Zheng-ze,YANG Fu-de*
  • Online:2024-07-28 Published:2024-07-26

摘要: 黄芪为补气之要药,临床应用广泛。但因各种因素导致黄芪质量参差不齐现象突出,且现行评价方法难以从整体上把控黄芪药材的质量优劣,未能有效的与不同复方中黄芪功效定向关联,严重影响其临床疗效及安全用药。针对上述问题,探索具有整体性和系统性特点的组学技术在中药材黄芪质量优劣性评价中的应用迫在眉睫。鉴于此本文查阅近年文献,对组学(代谢组学、转录组学、基因组学、蛋白组学)技术应用于中药材黄芪质量控制(品种、产地、种植方式、逆境、炮制加工)以及药理作用(抗疲劳、抗心衰、防治内分泌疾病、抗肿瘤)机制方面的研究进行综述,提出未来研究的方向与趋势,旨在为临床合理用药建立其全面系统的质量评价体系提供新的思路及方法。

关键词: 组学技术, 黄芪, 质量评价, 药理作用, 机制


Astragali Radix,a widely used herbal medicine in traditional Chinese medicine,is extensively employed in both food and medicine.However,the inconsistent quality of Astragali Radix remains a significant issue due to various factors.The current evaluation method makes it challenging to control the quality of Astragali Radix,and it fails to effectively correlate with the efficacy of Astragali Radix in different compound formulas.This seriously impacts its efficacy and safety in clinical use.Therefore,it is urgent to explore the application of omics technologies,which possess holistic and systematic characteristics,in evaluating the quality of Astragali Radix.This study offers an overview of recent research findings,lighting the application and progress of omics technologies, including metabolomics,transcriptomics,genomics,and proteomics, in the quality control of Astragali Radix.It delves into various aspects such as variety,origin,cultivation method,adversity,and concoction processing.Furthermore,it examines the pharmacological mechanisms of action,including anti-fatigue,anti-heart failure,prevention and treatment of endocrine diseases,and anti-tumor properties.Finally,it offers thoughtful reflections on the future of omics technologies in the field of Astragali Radix research.This study aims to provide new ideas and methods for the establishment of a comprehensive and systematic quality assessment system for clinical rational drug use.

Key words: omics technologies, Astragali Radix, quality evaluation, pharmacological action, mechanism

中图分类号:  R932