天然产物研究与开发 ›› 2014, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (2): 252-254.

• 开发研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1 右江民族医学院 医学检验学院,百色 533000;2 湖南省郴州市第一人民医院,郴州 423000;3 右江民族医学院 药学院,百色 533000
  • 出版日期:2014-02-28 发布日期:2014-12-12

Study on Vitro Anti-oxygen Free Radical of Flavonoids from Abrus cantoniensis

SHI Liu-zhi1,SHI Heng-zhi2,HUANG Suo-yi3*,LI Rong3   

  1. 1 School of Clinical Laboratory Medicine ,Youjiang Medical Universities for Nationalities,Baise 533000,China;2 Chenzhou No.1 People's Hospital of Hunan,Chenzhou 423000,China;3 College of Pharmacy,Youjiang Medical Universities for Nationalities,Baise 533000,China
  • Online:2014-02-28 Published:2014-12-12

摘要: 对鸡骨草进行黄酮提取及抗活性氧自由基作用的研究。以70%乙醇为溶剂,超声波提取法提取鸡骨草中的黄酮;采用比色法测定鸡骨草黄酮对DPPH·和O2两种自由基的清除作用以及还原能力。鸡骨草黄酮对DPPH·和O2两种自由基都有明显的清除作用,清除能力为DPPH·>O2;对Fe3+也具有较强的还原能力。清除率与浓度存在明显的量效关系,当黄酮的浓度为0.306 mg/mL时,其对O2清除率为12.57%;当黄酮的浓度为0.228 mg/mL时,其对DPPH·清除率为50%。对自由基的清除能力总体强弱是:DPPH·>O2;还原Fe3+能力随黄酮的浓度增加而增强。

关键词: 鸡骨草, 黄酮, 超声波提取, 体外, 抗活性氧自由基

Abstract: Collection and study on flavonoids of Abrus cantoniensis scavenge capability of oxygen free radical. The flavonoids were extracted with 70% ethanol as the solvent from Abrus cantoniensis with ultrasonic wave and extraction method.;examining scavenging action and ability of deoxidation of flavonoids extracted from Abrus cantoniensis on DPPH· and O2 with Colorimetric method. Total flavanone from Abrus cantoniensis has a scavenging activity on DPPH· and O2radicals and an evident reduction capacity on Fe3+, the ability of clearance is DPPH·>O2.There is obvious concentrationresponse relationship between clearance and concentration ,When the content of the total flavonone of Abrus cantoniensis was ρ(flavanone)= 0.228 mg/mL,the clearance rate of DPPH· was 50%;When the content of the total flavonone of Abrus cantoniensis was ρ(flavanone)= 0.306 mg/mL,the clearance rate of O2was 12.57%. Free radical scavenging ability overall strength is DPPH·>O2. The flavanones evident reduction capacity on Fe3+ was increased by the concentration.

Key words: Abrus cantoniensis, flavanone, ultrasonic extraction, in vitro, antioxygen free radical activity

