天然产物研究与开发 ›› 2014, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 463-469.

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  1. 暨南大学水生生物研究中心,广州 510632
  • 出版日期:2014-03-29 发布日期:2014-12-08

Research and Development of Commercial Biomass Products and Bioactive Compounds of Microalgae

XIA Song, WAN Ling-lin, LI Ai-fen, ZHANG Cheng-wu*   

  1. Institute of Hydrobiology,Ji’nan University,Guangzhou 510632,China
  • Online:2014-03-29 Published:2014-12-08

摘要: 本文综述了微藻在生物质产品及活性物质开发上的研究进展。部分微藻如节旋藻、小球藻、盐生杜氏藻和雨生红球藻等已用于商业化生产生物质产品。另外,从微藻中提炼的生物活性成分如β-胡萝卜素、虾青素、藻蓝蛋白、长链多不饱和脂肪酸和活性多糖等已应用于营养保健品和化妆品的生产。基于微藻种类的多样性和基因工程、代谢工程的快速发展,微藻天然产物具有很大的开发潜力。

关键词: 微藻, 生物活性物质, 生物质产品, 微藻生物技术

Abstract: Advances in commercial biomass products and bioactive compounds of microalgae were reviewed.Some microalgae,such as Arthrospira platensis, Chlorella vulgaris, Dunaliella salina, and Haematococcus pluvialis, had been explored and applied in the nutritions and health foods.Moreover,a number of bioactive substances,such as β-carotene,astaxanthin,phycocyanin,polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs),and bioactive polysaccharides,had also been refined from microalgae and applied in the nutraceutical,cosmeceutical and pharmaceutical applications.Based on their high species diversity,fast developing in genetic engineering and metabolic engineering,microalgae have great potential for development of natural products.

Key words: microalgae, bioactive compounds, biomass products, microalgal biotechnology

