天然产物研究与开发 ›› 2016, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (7): 1035-1044.doi: 10.16333/j.1001-6880.2016.7.009

• 研究简报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京中医药大学,南京 210023
  • 出版日期:2016-07-30 发布日期:2017-01-17

Determination of Chemical Constituents in Polygoni Multiflori Radix and Polygoni Multifori Caulis from the Same Origin

LUO Yi-yuan,LIU Juan-xiu,LIU Xun-hong*,WANG Sheng-nan,HUA Yu-jiao   

  1. Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210023,China
  • Online:2016-07-30 Published:2017-01-17

摘要: 分析同基源不同入药部位何首乌和首乌藤中的化学成分。以同基源不同入药部位何首乌和首乌藤为研究对象,采用UPLC-TQ/MS技术同时测定其中二苯乙烯类、蒽醌类、黄酮类和酚酸类14种成分,用QTRAP-UPLC-MS/MS技术同时测定其中10种核苷类成分,用ICP-MS测定其中24种无机元素。同基源何首乌和首乌藤中化学成分差异明显。何首乌和首乌藤中二苯乙烯类成分的总量分别为26.135、15.307 mg/g,蒽醌类成分的总量分别为15.608、10.034 mg/g,黄酮类成分的总量分别为0.864、17.075 mg/g,没食子酸的含量分别为0.529、0.720 mg/g;何首乌和首乌藤中10种核苷的总含量分别为140.517、197.534 μg/g,其中尿苷含量较高,分别为55.688、90.273 μg/g;何首乌和首乌藤中无机元素中均以K含量较高,分别为12.538、16.747 mg/g,何首乌中Ca、Mg、P的含量分别为3.283、1.362、1.218 mg/g,首乌藤Ca、Mg、P的含量分别为37.999、2.105、1.021 mg/g。基于多成分的同基源何首乌和首乌藤成分含量分析为何首乌和首乌藤资源的综合开发利用提供了科学依据。

关键词: 何首乌, 首乌藤, 二苯乙烯类, 蒽醌类, 黄酮类, 酚酸, 核苷, 无机元素

Abstract: To determine the contents of different chemical constituents in Polygoni Multiflori Radix(PMR)and Polygoni Multifori Caulis(PMC)from the same origin.The stilbenes,anthraquinones,flavonoids and phenolic acids in PMR and PMC were determined by UPLC-TQ/MS.the nucleosides were determined by QTRAP UPLC-MS/MS and the mineral elements were determined by ICP-MS.The results showed that the content of chemical constituents had large difference between PMR and PMC.In PMR and PMC,the stilbenes accounted for 26.135,15.307 mg/g,anthraquinones with 15.608,10.034 mg/g,flavonoids with 0.864,17.075 mg/g and phenolic acids with 0.529,0.720 mg/g.Furthermore,10 nucleosides accounting for 140.517,197.534 μg/g in both PMR and PMC.Among those nucleosides,guanosine made up for the highest percent with 55.688,90.273 μg/g.In addition,K was the most abundant mineral element in PMR and PMC with 12.538,16.747 mg/g,followed by Ca with 3.283,37.999 mg/g,Mg with 1.362,2.105 mg/g and P with 1.218,1.021 mg/g.This study provided a scientific basis for the comprehensive development of Polygoni Multiflori Radix and Polygoni Multifori Caulis.

Key words: Polygoni Multiflori Radix, Polygoni Multifori Caulis, stilbenes, anthraquinones, flavonoids, phenolic acids, nucleosides and nucleobases, mineral elements

