天然产物研究与开发 ›› 2019, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (增刊2): 37-43.doi: 10.16333/j.1001-6880.2019.S.005

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


王杨1,3#,申子朵2#,程兴怡2,王晗1,3,樊守艳1,3,黄圣嫒2,尹敏1,4,Myagmar Duuriimaa1,4,6,Boakye Kwabena4,5,何佟3,高凌峰3*   

  1. 1海南医学院特殊环境生理学实验室;2海南医学院临床学院;3海南医学院基础医学及生命科学学院;4海南医学院MBBS班,海口571199; 5发展研究大学,塔马尔 1350;6蒙古国立医科大学,乌兰巴托14210
  • 出版日期:2019-12-28 发布日期:2019-12-30
  • 基金资助:

    海南省大学生创新创业训练计划(HYCX2018081,S201911810046); 海南省重点研发计划(ZDYF2017121)

Drinking water salinity affected carotid arterial hemodynamics and myogenic spontaneous rhythmic contraction in mice

WANG Yang1,3#,SHEN Zi-duo2#,CHENG Xing-yi2,WANG Han1,3,FAN Shou-yan1,3,HUANG Sheng-ai2,YIN Min1,4,Duuriimaa Myagmar1,4,6,Kwabena Boakye4,5,HE Tong3,GAO Ling-feng3*   

  1. 1Extreme Environment Sports Medicine and Physiology Sciences;2Clinical Medicine College;3Basic Medicine and Life Sciences College;4International Education College,Haikou 571199,China;5University for development studies,Tamale 1350,Ghana;6Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Ulaanbaatar 14210,Mongolia

  • Online:2019-12-28 Published:2019-12-30

摘要: 通过考察海水饲养小鼠,观察对体循环供血的影响。昆明小鼠随机分为海水饲养组、海水饲养+添加剂组、正常饲养组、正常饲养+添加剂组。饲养4周后计算中心动脉增强压,根据重搏波切迹计算射血时间。取颈总动脉血管环记录机械负荷时肌源性自主收缩特性。结果显示饮用海水小鼠心率显著加快、射血期缩短;颈总动脉收缩压波上升相折点明显上抬,中心动脉增强压下降,颈动脉血流增强指数下降。血管环呈有规律肌源性自主收缩,单周期内波簇明显。添加剂补充喂养对缓解海水小鼠心率有效,中心动脉收缩压上升及脉压有所改善,但对舒张压作用有限。

关键词: 海水饲养, 颈总动脉压, 血流动力学, 肌源性自主收缩

Abstract: Intake of drinking water eroded by sea water will lead to changes in hemodynamics and vascular biomechanical features,affect the blood supply of the arterial and vascular system.In this study,we investigated the hemodynamic changes in mice fed with seawater,observed the spontaneous contraction characteristics of isolated smooth muscle specimens of carotid artery.Kunming mice were randomly divided into seawater feeding group,seawater feeding + additive group,normal feeding group,normal feeding + additive group.After 4 weeks of feeding,the pressure waveform of common carotid artery was observed,and the enhanced pressure of central artery was calculated according to the breakpoint of systolic blood pressure rising phase,and the ejection time was calculated according to the notch of arterial pulse.The vascular rings of common carotid artery wall were removed to record the characteristics of myogenic autonomous contraction under stretching in vitro.The results indicated that heart rate and ejection period of the mice drank seawater for 4 weeks were significantly accelerated,the breakpoint of the ascending phase of the common carotid artery systolic pressure wave was significantly increased.The central artery enhanced pressure was decreased,carotid artery enhanced blood flow index was decreased.The maximal amplitude of myogenic autonomic contraction of common carotid artery wall increased significantly.Supplementary feeding with additives was effective in alleviating heart rate,prolonging ejection period,improving systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure amplitude of central artery in seawater mice,but had limited effect on diastolic blood pressure.Long-term intake of seawater can form a new hypertension model in mice,which can affect the changes of carotid artery hemodynamics and local blood supply.

Key words: salinity water uptake, carotid arterial pressure, hemodynamic, myogenic spontaneous contraction