天然产物研究与开发 ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9): 1499-1511.doi: 10.16333/j.1001-6880.2024.9.005

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈   利1,2,黄   升1,2,苏国旗1,2,杨飞云1,2,黄金秀1,2,齐仁立1,2*,刘作华1,2*   

  1. 1重庆市畜牧科学院;2国家生猪技术创新中心,重庆402460
  • 出版日期:2024-09-25 发布日期:2024-09-25
  • 基金资助:
    重庆技术创新与应用发展专项(cstc2021jscx-dxwtBX0 005);重庆英才计划“包干制”项目(21201)

Identification and antimicrobial activity of a strain of Paenibacillus elgii

CHEN Li1,2,HUANG Sheng1,2,SU Guo-qi1,2,YANG Fei-yun1,2,HUANG Jin-xiu1,2,QI Ren-li1,2*,LIU Zuo-hua1,2*#br#


  1. 1Chongqing Academy of Animal Sciences;2 National Center of Technology Innovation for Pigs,Chongqing 402460,China
  • Online:2024-09-25 Published:2024-09-25


为了筛选产新型天然抗菌物质微生物,本研究利用共培养的方法筛选目的菌株;通过16S rDNA、生理生化性质和全基因组测序鉴定菌株种属;利用抗菌物质稳定性、菌株基因组次级代谢产物预测和最小抑菌浓度研究抗菌物质的生物学特性。从土壤中筛选了一株类芽孢杆菌Paenibacillus elgii CL-1,该菌所产抗菌物质具有广谱抗菌性能,且耐受过氧化氢酶、胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、蛋白酶K和酸碱,高温不稳定;利用antiSMASH分析发现Paenibacillus elgii  CL-1含有penisin和octapeptin C4等17种次级代谢产物基因簇;进一步的分析发现,通过高效液相色谱从该菌发酵液中分离纯化出的抗菌物质抗菌谱广,抗菌活性好,最小抑菌浓度值可达1 μg/mL。通过质谱分析发现类芽孢杆菌Paenibacillus elgii  CL-1能够产生抗菌谱广、稳定性好和抗菌活性强的抗菌物质pelgipeptin B。本研究为挖掘天然抗菌药物pelgipeptin B提供底盘菌株,为其研发和应用奠定基础。

关键词: 类芽孢杆菌, 天然抗菌物质, 抗菌活性, 最小抑菌浓度


This study was conducted to screen the microorganisms producing novel natural antimicrobial substances.The target strains were screened by co-culture method;the strains were identified by 16S rDNA,physiological and biochemical properties,and whole genome sequencing;and the stability of the antimicrobial substances,the prediction of secondary metabolites in the genome of the strains,and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) were utilized to study the biological properties of the antimicrobial substances.The results showed that a strain named Paenibacillus elgii CL-1 was screened from the soil,which produced antimicrobial substances with broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties and was resistant to catalase,pepsin,trypsin,proteinase K,and acid/base,and unstable at high temperatures.The antiSMASH analysis was used to find out that Paenibacillus elgii CL-1 contains 17 secondary metabolite gene clusters,including penisin and octapeptin C4. Further analysis revealed that the antimicrobial substances isolated and purified from the fermentation broth of CL-1 by high-performance liquid chromatography had a broad antimicrobial spectrum and good antimicrobial activity,with a minimum inhibitory concentration value of up to 1 μg/mL.Through mass spectrometry analysis,it was found that the Bacillus-like bacterium Paenibacillus elgii CL-1 was able to produce pelgipeptin B,which has a broad antimicrobial spectrum,good stability,and strong antimicrobial activity.The present study provides a chassis strain for the exploration of the natural antimicrobial drug pelgipeptin B and lays a foundation for its research and development as well as its application.

Key words: Paenibacillus elgii, natural antimicrobial substances, antimicrobial activity, minimum inhibitory concentration

中图分类号:  R978.1