天然产物研究与开发 ›› 2016, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (7): 1156-1163.doi: 10.16333/j.1001-6880.2016.7.029

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  1. 1 湘南优势植物资源综合利用湖南省重点实验室;2湖南科技学院化学与生物工程学院,永州 425199
  • 出版日期:2016-07-30 发布日期:2017-01-17

Review on the Research of Plant Endophytic Microbes and Dark Matter’s Exploring Techniques

YUAN Zhi-hui,JIANG Qiong-feng,HE Fu-lin*   

  1. 1 Key Laboratory of Comprehensive Utilization of Advantage Plants Resources in Hunan South; 2College of Chemistry and Bioengineering,Hunan University of Science and Engineering,Yongzhou 425199,China
  • Online:2016-07-30 Published:2017-01-17

摘要: 植物内生微生物包含内生菌、内生细菌、内生真菌、内生放线菌、内生古细菌等领域,其“暗物质”是指尚未被开发的菌种资源、遗传资源和代谢物资源。根据对宿主植物的作用,可以将内生微生物分为共生内生微生物、有益内生微生物和潜在的病原微生物三类。内生微生物在植物促生、提高植物抗逆性、提高植物的环境适应性、影响植物代谢物合成、参与被污染环境的修复等方面具有广泛的应用。具有生理活性的次级代谢产物的开发和利用是植物内生微生物研究的另一个热门领域,但由于大多数不能被分离培养、次级代谢物的分离分析技术不足等原因,使得大量的植物内生微生物资源仍处于未知状态。表面消毒技术、分离培养技术的改进,“多-组学”技术的联合使用和次级代谢物分离分析技术的发展极大促进了植物内生微生物的研究。在此基础上,开展微生物组研究和多单位多地域的协同研究将会进一步加快植物内生微生物资源的研究、发掘和利用。以上述内容为基础,本文综述了植物内生微生物的功能及其代谢产物研究进展,当前植物内生微生物研究的分离培养方法和组学技术,并在文章最后对该领域的研究方向提出了建议。

关键词: 植物内生微生物, 分离培养技术, 组学技术, 次级代谢物, 暗物质

Abstract: Plant endophytic microbes include endophytes,endophytic bacteria,endophytic fungi,endophytic actinobacteria and endophytic archaebacteria in concept,and the dark matter,which originated from astrophysics,refers to the vast universe of unknown microbes,derived genetic resources and the unexplored second metabolites.Plant endophytic microbes can be divided into symbiosis endophytes,beneficial endophytes and potential pathogens according to their association with the host plant.Plant endophytic microbes played an extensive part in the promotion of plant growth,protection against biotic and abiotic stresses,improved plant fitness,infection of the biosynthesis of metabolites in host plant,and the phytoremediation of polluted environment with host plant.Another focus on endophytes’ research is the exploitation and utilization of bioactive second metabolites produced by plant endophytic microbes.Majority of endophytic resources were untapped owing to the unculturability of most microbes and the deficiency in separation and analysis of second metabolites.The improvements of surface sterilization,isolating and culturing techniques,and the combination of multi-omics have greatly promoted the research in plant endophytic microbes.Endophytic microbiomes and cooperation in this area will enhance the discovering,understanding and utilizing of plant endophytic resources.Based on the aforementioned,present paper reviewed the progress in function and metabolites of endophytes,omics technologies and methods of isolating and culturing in plant endophytes research.In addition,the research directions in this field was suggested at last.

Key words: plant endophytic microbes, isolation and culturing techniques, omics techniques, secondary metabolites, dark matters

