天然产物研究与开发 ›› 2018, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (12): 2166-2174.doi: 10.16333/j.1001-6880.2018.12.021

• 开发研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1重庆市中药研究院;2重庆市中药良种选育与评价工程技术研究中心;3重庆市中药资源学重点实验室;4中国中医科学院中药资源中心重庆分中心,重庆400065
  • 出版日期:2019-01-02 发布日期:2019-01-02
  • 基金资助:


Study on Quality Evaluation of Flos Sophorae Immaturus

TAN Jun1,2,3,4, LI Long-yun1,2,3,4*, WANG Ji-rui1,2,3,4, DING Gang1,2,3,4, XU Jin1,2,3,4   

  1. 1Chongqing Academy of Chinese Materia Medica; 2Chongqing Engineering Research Center for Fine Variety Breeding Techniques of Chinese Materia Medica; 3Chongqing key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine Resources; 4Chongqing Sub-center of National Resources Center for Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Chongqing 400065,China
  • Online:2019-01-02 Published:2019-01-02

摘要: 为了进一步完善槐米的质量评价方法,并对不同产地槐米进行质量评价,本研究按照2015版《中华人民共和国药典》方法测定水分、总灰分、酸不溶性灰分、浸出物和总黄酮;采用HPLC法测定槐米中芦丁、水仙苷、槲皮素、异鼠李素4种成分的含量,并通过SPSS 20.0软件进行聚类分析和主成分分析。54批槐米样品的水分、总灰分和酸不溶性灰分均符合药典标准;南方产槐米的浸出物及黄酮类成分含量均普遍高于北方产槐米。聚类分析和主成分分析将54批槐米聚为3类,分类结果与地域有较大关系。本研究较全面地评价了全国54个产地槐米的质量,为槐米的产品开发提供了实验依据。

关键词: 槐米, 质量评价, 聚类分析, 主成分分析

Abstract: The objectives of this study were to improve the method of quality evaluation on Flos Sophorae Immaturus (FSI) and to evaluate qualities of FSI from different producing areas.The contents of moisture,total ash,acid-insoluble ash,extract and total flavonoids in FSI were determined using methods in the Pharmacopoeia (published in 2015).HPLC was used to determine contents of rutin,narcissin,quercetin and isorhamnetin.Then,cluster analysis and principal component analysis were conducted by software of SPSS 20.0.The contents of moisture,total ash,and acid-insoluble ash in 54 batches of FSI were all in accord with demands of Pharmacopoeia.The contents of extract and flavonoids of FSI collected from Southern region were generally higher than those from Northern region.Fifty-four batches of FSI were divided into 3 clusters according to cluster analysis and principal component analysis,and there was a great relationship between the classification results and the region.The qualities of FSI from 54 producing areas in China were evaluated in this study,which could provide experimental basis for the product development of FSI.

Key words: Flos Sophorae Immaturus, quality evaluation, cluster analysis, principal component analysis


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