天然产物研究与开发 ›› 2019, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (10): 1704-1711.doi: 10.16333/j.1001-6880.2019.10.006

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1四川省中医药科学院 中药材品质及创新中药研究四川省重点实验室,成都 610041;2成都大学 药学与生物工程学院,成都 610106
  • 出版日期:2019-10-28 发布日期:2019-11-11
  • 基金资助:

    lateral root of Aconitum carmichaelii Debx.;geo-authentic;water-soluble alkaloids;neoline;HPLC-LSD;quality control

Determination of water-soluble alkaloids and study on the correlation between water-soluble alkaloids and geo-authentic of lateral root of Aconitum carmichaelii Debx.(Fuzi)

LUO Chun-mei1,XIA Yan-li2,HUANG Zhi-fang1,TANG Yi-na1,LIU Yun-hua1,LIU Yu-hong1,CHEN Yan1,YI Jin-hai1*   

  1. 1Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratory of Quality and Innovation Research of Chinese Materia Medica,Sichuan Academy of Chinese Medicine Sciences,Chengdu 610041,China;2College of Pharmacy and Biological Engineering,Chengdu University,Chengdu 610106,China
  • Online:2019-10-28 Published:2019-11-11
  • Supported by:


摘要: 建立HPLC-ELSD法,测定4个产区42批泥附子及9批江油附片中附子灵、尼奥灵和宋果灵3种水溶性生物碱的含量。采用SIMCA11.0软件构建OPLS-DA模型筛选附子差异性成分,进行附子水溶性生物碱含量与道地性相关分析。不同产区附子中3种生物碱的含量差异较大,其中江油附子中尼奥灵含量明显高于其他非道地产区,均值约为云南、布拖附子的3.5倍。用江油附子炮制得到的生附片、炒附片及蒸附片中3种生物碱的分布特征与江油附子相似,且各炮制品种中尼奥灵含量差异不大,其中生附片、炒附片中尼奥灵含量与江油附子相当。OPLS-DA模型将江油与其他产区附子区分开,筛选出2个差异成分,其中主要差异成分为尼奥灵。上述研究结果表明,尼奥灵为区分道地产区与非道地产区附子的特征性差异成分,且附子及附片中尼奥灵含量稳定可控,可作为重要的质量评价指标,为附子及附片的质量控制提供参考。

关键词: 附子, 道地性, 水溶性生物碱, 尼奥灵, HPLC-ELSD, 质量控制

Abstract: This research established an HPLC-ELSD method for determination the several water-soluble alkaloids including fuziline,neoline,songorine in 42 batches crude Fuzi from 4 habitats and 9 batches Fupian (including Sheng Fupian,Chao Fupian,Zheng Fupian) and constructed OPLS-DA model using SIMCA11.0 software for expolre the correlation between the content of water-soluble alkaloids and the geo-authentic.The contents of three alkaloids in samples from the four producing areas are significantly different.The content of neoline in samples from JY are the most abundant,with the average content approximately 2.5 times higher than that from Yunnan and Butuo samples.The distribution characteristics of three alkaloids in Sheng Fupian,Chao Fupian,Zheng Fupian processed by Jiangyou Fuzi are similar to those of crude Jiangyou Fuzi,and there is no significant difference in the content of three alkaloids between the Sheng Fupian,Chao Fupian,Zheng Fupian,in which the content of neoline from Sheng Fupian,Chao Fupian have no significant difference with crude Fuzi.OPLS-DA were used to distinguish Jiangyou Fuzi from non-geo-authentic Fuzi.Two major components (including neoline,which were quantitatively determined) were screen to be characteristic components for the discrimination of Jiangyou Fuzi samples from various regions.The above research results indicate that neoline is related to geo-authentic of Fuzi and can be used as a critical component for identifying geo-authentic Fuzi.Moreover,the content of neoline in Fupian is stable and easy to control.So,neoline can be used as an index to evaluation the quality of Fupian.This paper provides reference for the quality control of Fuzi and Fupian.

