NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ›› 2015, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (11): 1858-1861. doi: 10.16333/j.1001-6880.2015.11.004

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Life-span Prolonging and Antioxidant Effects of  Toona sinensis Seed on Drosophila melanogaster

WANG Juan1, REN Li-ping1, QU Chang-qing1,2, SUN Yu-wen1, JI Yun-tao1*, LU An-na1   

  1. 1 School of food and biological engineering,Fuyang normal college; 2 Engineering technology research center of Anti-aging Chinese Herbal Medicine,Fuyang 236037,China
  • Online:2015-11-30 Published:2015-12-02

Abstract: To study life-span prolonging and antioxidant effects of Toona sinensis seed on Drosophila melanogaster. D.melanogaster enclosed within 8 h were collected and fed with normal medium and 1,5 g/L and 10 g/L of T.sinensis seed medium.Each group contained 90 D.melanogaster and the experiment was repeated 3 times.The number of lived D.melanogaster was recorded every day.The medium was replaced every five days until all D.melanogaster died.The 50% lethal time,average longevity and average maximum time were recorded and calculated,respectively.The enzymatic activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD),catalase(CAT),the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) were detected by the enzyme activity kit,respectively.Compared with the control group,there were dose dependent relationships between the life-span of D.melanogaster and concentrations of T.sinensis seed.The 10 g/L T.sinensis seed treatment group significantly prolonged the maximum life span,mean life span and the half died time of D.melanogaster (P<0.05 or P<0.01).The enzymatic activity of SOD and CAT were increased and MDA was decreased significantly.The effect of T.sinensis seed on the female D.melanogaster was higher than male D.melanogaster. The results suggested that T.sinensis seed had the effect of anti-aging and increased antioxidant capacity of D.melanogaster.

Key words: Toona sinensis seed, Drosophila melanogaster, life-span;antioxidant;protein

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