NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ›› 2018, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (增刊2): 173-178.

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Study on the Mechanism of Qizhiweitong Granules Treating Chronic Reflux Gastritis Based on the New Use of Old Medicine

HAN Ling1,XIN Ming-yuan2,BAO Yong-rui3,4,5,WANG Shuai3,4,5,LI Tian-jiao3,4,5,YANG Xin-xin3,4,5,MENG Xian-sheng3,4,5*   

  1. 1China Resources in Liaoning Benxi Third Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.,Benxi Liaoning 117004,China; 2Northeast International Hospital,Shenyang 110623,China; 3School of Pharmacy,Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; 4Province Multi-Component Chinese Medicine Engineering Technology Research Center of Liaoning; 5Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine Research and Engineering Laboratory of Liaoning,Dalian Liaoning 116600,China
  • Online:2019-01-18 Published:2019-01-18

Abstract: In order to explore the mechanism of Qizhiweitong Granules treating chronic reflux gastritis,lay a foundation for the research and development of new indications.Using the method of metabonomics to study the serum endogenous substance of rats with chronic reflux gastritis and administrated with Qizhiweitong Granules.Agilent MPP 12.1 software was used to perform multiple tests and principal component analysis of the data,to find the serum difference compounds in each group,and to conduct structural identification and metabolic pathway analysis of the difference compounds.Multiple testing results showed that there were significant differences in endogenous compound levels between the blank group and the model group.Principal component analysis results showed that each group was well separated from the model group.There were 22 different compounds identified in the serum of the treatment group of Qizhiweitong Granules,refering amino acid metabolism,phospholipid metabolism,arachidonic acid metabolism,purine metabolism and other metabolic pathways.This study from the perspective of endogenous compounds changes to reveal the mechanism of Qizhiweitong Granules treating chronic reflux gastritis,which provide data support for the clinical application.

Key words: Qizhiweitong Granules, Older drugs new use, Chronic reflux gastritis, Metabonomics, Mechanism of action

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