NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ›› 2018, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (增刊2): 89-96.

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Experimental Study on the Proliferation of Synovial Cells and the Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Effects of the Compatibility Relations on SongJieFang

MEI Xiao-li,WU Si-lan,TU Ru-xia,MO Zong-cheng,WANG Min,WANG Tian-wen,ZHANG Li,HUANG Chong-gang*   

  1. Chongqing Academy of Chinese Materia Medica,Chinese Medicine Management Bureau of the three grade Laboratory,Chongqing 400065,China
  • Online:2019-01-18 Published:2019-01-18

Abstract: The aim of this study was to explore the regularity of recipe composition by observing the proliferation of synovial cells,anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of SongJieFang(SJF) and its demolitions.Three artificially induced models were used to evaluate the effects.The rat joint synovial cells were cultured with rat serum containing either the diluent of drug or in combination or THHT.The synovial cell vitality was detected using a CCK-8 kit.There were Murine Ear Edema Model induced by xylene and Murine Pain Model induced by acetic acid,the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities were observed.The results showed that the SJF and its demolitions significantly reduced the vitality of synovial cells,could reduce the inflammation and pain of the above model.It is suggested that the SJF and its demolitions had significantly inhibitory effects on the synovial cell proliferation and anti-inflammatory analgesic action in rats.The original formula(SJF)worked best.These result confirmed the rationality and scientific level of SJF.

Key words: SongJieFang, compositions, synovial cells, anti-inflammatory, analgesic

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