NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (11): 1845-1854. doi: 10.16333/j.1001-6880.2024.11.004 cstr: 32307.14.1001-6880.2024.11.004

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Differential analysis of volatile components in different parts of Bauhinia blakeana by using widely-targeted matabolomics

YANG Fang1,2,JIANG Bing-bing1,2,LEI Jin-mei1,2,GUO Cun-wu3,WU Ya-min1,2,LI Hong-xu1,2,WANG Xing-hua1,2,WANG Bai-juan1,2*

  1. 1Key Laboratory of Intelligent Organic Tea Garden Construction in Universities of Yunnan Province,College of Tea Science,Yunnan Agricultural University; 2Yunnan Organic Tea Industry Intelligent Engineering Research Center,Yunnan Agricultural University;3National Engineering Research Center for Applied Technology of Agricultural Biodiversity,College of Plant Protection,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming 650201,China
  • Online:2024-11-25 Published:2024-11-25


Bauhinia blakeana Dunn.has both ornamental and medicinal value.In order to further explore the volatile metabolites in different parts of B. blakeana,gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to identify and analyze the differences of metabolites between leaves and flowers.The results showed that a total of 840 volatile metabolites were identified in leaves and flowers,which were divided into 16 compounds,such as terpenoids,esters,heterocyclic compounds and so on. Differential metabolites were significantly enriched in sesquiterpene and triterpene biosynthesis pathways.The results of principal component analysis showed that there were differences in volatile metabolites between different parts of  B. blakeana.The results of cluster heat map showed that the enrichment of most metabolites in flowers was relatively high.There were 90 kinds of metabolites with significant differences in different parts. In the leaves of  B. blakeana,the higher contents of metabolite types were ketones and aldehydes, while there were terpenoids and esters in the flowers.In this study,the metabolite types in different parts of  B. blakeana were comprehensively analyzed and identified,which provided a theoretical basis for the further exploration and utilization of the various of volatile components in  B. blakeana.

Key words: Bauhinia blakeana Dunn., differential metabolite, metabonomics analysis, volatile component

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