NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ›› 2011, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (3): 508-511.

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Primary Study on the Resistance to Cladosporium cueumerinum of Cucumber Induced by Chito-oligosaccharide

XIE Ting-ting,LV Shu-xia*,MA Di,ZHANG Liang,WANG Yuan-yuan   

  1. College of Biological Science and Technology,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110866,China
  • Received:2010-11-29 Online:2011-06-25 Published:2011-08-08


This article focused on the cucumber resistance to Cladosporium cueumerinum which was induced by chito-oligosaccharide.The state of illness of the cucumber seedlings induced by 6mg/mL chito-oligosaccharide was investigated and the activities of major defense enzymes of phenylalanin ammo-nialyase (PAL),peroxidase (POD),polyphenol oxidase (PPO),superoxide dismutase (SOD),and catalase (CAT) were determined.The results showed that the induced resistance of cucumber scab by chito-oligosaccharide was 60.25% and 47.59% in 10 d and 17 d,respectively.The activity of PAL increased obviously and POD,PPO,SOD also increased partly,but chito-oligosaccharide had no effect on CAT.These researches suggested that resistance to cucumber C.cueumerinum induced by chito-oligosaccharide would be helpful in using chito-oligosaccharide as a new biological pesticide.

Key words: chito-oligosaccharide, cucumber, Cladosporium cueumerinum, induced resistance, defense enzymatic system

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