NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ›› 2011, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 755-757.

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Rapid Extracting Technology for Schisandrol A from Schisandra chinensis by High Voltage Pulsed Electric Field Method

ZHAO Jing-hui*, WANG Zai-xing, ZHAO Wei-gang, WANG Ying-ping, LI Rong-feng, FENG Zuo, ZHAO Ming-zhong, PAN Yang   

  1. Institute of Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jilin 132109, China
  • Received:2010-02-23 Online:2011-08-25 Published:2011-09-13

Abstract: The rapid extracting technology for schisandrol A from Schisandra chinensis was investigated by using orthogonal experimental design, and the content of schisandrol A was detected by HPLC. The optimum extracting technology was obtained as follows: 80% ethanol as for the extract liquid, 10 kv/cm electric field intensity, impulsion frequency of 10, and 1:10 as the ratio for material and liquid. The effect levels of these factors successively were electric field intensity, the ratio for material and liquid, and impulsion frequency. The content of schisandrol A was 0.76% in S. chinensis, and the yield of extract was 27.886%. The extracting technology is feasible, economic with high recovery ratio and saving time in the process.

Key words: Schisandra chinensis, schisandrol A, extracting technology, orthogonal experiment, high voltage pulsed electric field

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